This is my first game using the Lazy Brain method, I have to say, it ain't bad at all. The graphics are sweet and the gameplay is something farmiliar with a few of my own twists. Also features an onli ...
Generally, summer is a slow time for video games, but not when it comes to Xbox Live Arcade where it's harvest season! In the last month, there have been at least four great games released on XBLA, wi ...
An unholy alliance has been forged between Street Fighter and Hello Kitty. Run. For for whatever habitable other planet you can find. ...
After a decent amount of downtime, one of the best indie game sites on the internet has finally relaunched! PixelProspector is a one-man gaming blog and YouTube channel devoted to the weird and beauti ...
The indie game scene is constantly expanding, but in 2008, Minecraft, Braid and Angry Birds had not been released, along with all of the other indie games that established the financial viability of t ...
Hard drive space is one of the cheapest things you can add to your computer. But people take it for granted, thus game developers have given up any efforts in keeping games compact. With all of its ex ...
Video games were blamed in the death of Chris Staniforth last May, but now things have gotten worse as video games take the blame for a more recent tragedy... Ten days ago, a man who'd lost his mind ...
The UK print media has been yellower than the middle traffic light for a long time now. The News of the World scandal has cast that into particularly sharp relief of late. The Sun, one of the biggest ...